How to Work

FTL application works on Android platforms. The program on tablets will be the administrator of the team and the ones on smart phones will be operators.

In the first interface, the user will enter the relevant information about lost people. Coordinate is the last detected signal of them, Time is the moment of that signal, Vehicle is the lost people's vehicle type if they have and Weather is the weather condition of related area.

While the first interface is related with the lost people, second interface deals with the users. Coordinate is this time, the point of search & rescue teams on the area. Moreover, the user can create convoys by selecting the vehicle type and list them on Teams section. Finally, the user shall match teams with the smart phones of teams using Bluetooth.

In the third interface, FTL will guess the possible area where lost people may be in. This area helps the users to choose points where to send teams. The manager of search & rescue teams will mark points and match them with teams.

Finally, the application computes the fastest path of each teams to reach marked points. With using the bar on the top, the user can manage the teams by knowing on selected time where they should be. on the same time, FTL sends the related path data to each teams.

After getting data from tablet, each team will have their path in their smart phones so that they will be able to find their way in the wild.